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Project-Based Learning

At Carson School, we work hand-in-hand with you to ensure your child’s academic success, and we nurture the spirit and development of lifelong learners.

Through our new Project-Based Learning program, we create opportunities for your child to meet high expectations and exceed them. 

Our program challenges students to develop solutions to various societal issues. Then, they have opportunities to work in groups to find answers and present findings in their own creative ways.

What Does This Mean for Students?

Our students have memorable learning experiences by collaborating with their peers and tapping into their strengths.

Your child will benefit from:

  • A STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, Mathematics) teacher who develops 21st-century skills and integrates the arts
  • Hands-on opportunities grounded in, and evaluated by, Ohio’s learning standards
  • Development of critical thinking skills
  • Problem-solving projects that empower all learning styles, preferences and strengths